BF-1-0 Battle Fury
Dropship Command Armory BF-1-O Battle Fury

Author: Snake Eyes
BattleMech Technical Readout

BF-1-0 Battle Fury
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: PAL 80T OMNI BTFY Endo Steel
Power Plant: Pitban 320 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Special Heavy
39.0 Tons of Pod Space
Pheonix Armaments Limited
Communications System: Tek BattleCom
Targeting & Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System

When a number of Star League personell were issued the 
WH-1PL-O Whiplash Omnimech, they were ecstatic about 
the abilities of the versatile medium mech.  However when 
 the Star League Defense Quartermaster Corps voiced the 
need for an assault omnimech that expanded on the 
Whiplash's abilities, Pheonix Armaments Limited submitted 
the BF-1-O Battle Fury.  Sharing many similarities in 
appearance to the Whiplash, the Battle Fury differs by its 
additional  25 tons to its total weight and a slower top 
speed.  With 31 tons of Pod space available, the Battle 
Fury is prepared to face all comers.  With ammo on board 
the pilots often worry about ammo detonation.  To remedy 
this dual CASE systems were installed in the Right and 
Left Torso, respectively.

The Primary variant of the Battle Fury is a beefed up 
version of the venerable PTR-4D Penetrator.  Like the 
Penetrator, the Primary variant is able to jump.  It carries 
the same armament as the Penetrator, however it mounts 
2 additional Double Heat Sinks and 2 Streak-6 Missile 

The Alpha variant carries a SRM6 system with 
one ton of ammo with 6 medium lasers.  A Dragon's Fire 
Gauss Rifle is mounted in the right arm with 3 tons of 
ammo.  The Left Arm mounts two Extended Range Large 

Variant Bravo mounts a LRM-15 and a SRM-6 system in 
each arm.  Each LRM launcher is equipped with 2 tons of 
ammo apiece while the SRM launchers are equipped with 
1 ton apiece.  To augment the missile armament, 2 Large 
Lasers and 3 ER Medium Lasers are mounted in the torso.

The Charlie variant takes advantage of the Draconis 
Combine Medium Range Missile Launchers.  A MRM-30 is 
mounted in the left arm.  The left arms greater pod space 
allows it to carry an Ultra-Autocannon 10.  6 Medium 
Lasers and 1 Medium Pulse Laser are installed for short 
Range Protetion.  Also added to this variant is the jumping 
ability of 120 meters.

The Delta Variant is the C3 equipped variant.  Carrying 
one C3 Master Computer in the Left Torso, the Delta 
variant is designed to act in conjunction with large C3 
networks.  To take advantage of the C3 network benefits, 
a PPC, an ER Large Laser, and a 10 Class Lighter Ballistic 
Autocannon (LBX-10AC) are mounted in the arms.  Short 
Range firepower is found in the form of 6 medium lasers 
and one medium pulse laser.

Echo variant is a Mobile Artillery System meant to give 
Company level battlemech forces an artillery system.  An 
Arrow IV Artillery System is mounted in the Right Arm and 
Torso.  Two tons of Arrow IV ammo are mounted in the 
Left Torso.  While designed around the Arrow IV 
Launcher, the Echo Variant is far from unarmed.  2 ER 
Large Lasers and 6 Medium Pulse Lasers.  This armament 
is equal to the venerable PTR-4D Penetrator in use 
throughout the Federated Commonwealth.

The Battle Fury has seen service in many conflicts from 
the Chaos March to the vicious Clan warfare on the 
Coreward side of the Inner-Sphere.  While quite costly for 
an Inner Sphere mech and an Omnimech to boot, critics 
are quick to complain at the price tag.  However, users of 
the Battle Fury get what they pay for to the last cent.  True 
the use of the XL engine paired with the CASE seems 
pointless, it prevents the complete destruction of the mech 
in the event of an ammo explosion, sparing the pilots life 
and allowing the mech to be more or less salvage from the 
battle field to be rebuilt.  In addition when an XL engine is 
disabled when the torso collapses, it can still be repaired 
and used again if the magnetic safety interlocks prevents 
an uncontrolled fusion reaction (Meltdown/Explosion) 
when the shielding is compromised.  Since there is plenty 
of weaponry, enemies are easily dispatched before the 
armor is breached and the delicate engine and even 
worse, the ammo storage bins are exposed to enemy fire.  
In all combat situations the BF-1-O has encountered it has 
excelled with flying colors suffering little more than missing 
limbs and severly damaged internal structures.  In all 
events where the mech was destroyed or disabled from 
ammo explosions or a collapsed torso from weapon fire, 
the pilot walked away with scrapes and bruises along with 
a blinding headache from neural feedback.  Also as an 
added benefit, the same mechs were recovered and 
rebuilt when the Chest was not completely destroyed.  
However, if buyers are still skeptic about the abilities of the 
Battle Fury, they are encourage to try the Battle Fury's 
slower, more conventional cousin, the SHIR-O-1T 
Shirotachi equipped with a standard engine.  The 
SHIR-O-1T is virtually identical in appearance yet it carries 
with it an extra 5 tons of mass.  

The initial prototypes faced numerous problems.  The 
CASE systems built in had compatibility problems with the 
XL engines.  As a result ammo explosions in the prototypes 
spilled into the engine compartments which in turn caused 
an uncontrolled detonation of the fusion reactor resulting 
in the death of the test pilots.  Many prototypes later the 
problem was solved and subsequent ammo explosions 
were vented through the rear of the torsos, the way 
designers had hoped in the first place.  
Type: BF-1-0 Battle Fury
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 2 Custom
Tonnage: 80

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure:ES 4.0
Engine:320 XL11.5
Walking MP:4
Running MP:6
Jumping MP:0
Heat Sinks:12 [24]2.0
Armor Factor:248 15.5
Center Torso:2538
Center Torso (Rear):12
R/L Torso:1726
R/L Torso (Rear):8
R/L Arm:1326
R/L Leg:1734

Fixed Configuration
BV : 799 Cost : 20528252
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Primary Configuration
BV : 1578 Cost : 23399252
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
ER Large Laser RA212 5.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
Medium Pulse Laser RT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser RT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser RT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Streak SRM-6 LT24 4.5
@Streak SRM-6 (15) LT10 1.0
Streak SRM-6 RT24 4.5
@Streak SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
2 Jump Jet(s) RT20 2.0
2 Jump Jet(s) LT20 2.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA30 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration A
BV : 1555 Cost : 22816502
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Gauss Rifle RA7115.0
@Gauss Rifle (24) LT30 3.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
SRM-6 LT24 3.0
@SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration B
BV : 1663 Cost : 22760252
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
MRM-30 LA51010.0
@MRM-30 (24) RT30 3.0
Ultra AC/10 RA7413.0
@Ultra AC/10 (30) LT30 3.0
2 Jump Jet(s) LT20 2.0
2 Jump Jet(s) RT20 2.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration C
BV : 1255 Cost : 22292252
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LRM-15 RA35 7.0
LRM-15 LA35 7.0
SRM-6 LA24 3.0
SRM-6 RA24 3.0
@SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
@SRM-6 (15) LT10 1.0
@LRM-15 (16) LT20 2.0
@LRM-15 (16) RT20 2.0
Large Laser RT28 5.0
Large Laser LT28 5.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration D
BV : 1352 Cost : 26220752
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LB 10-X AC RA6211.0
@LB 10-X AC (20) RT20 2.0
C3 Computer LT50 5.0
PPC LA310 7.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Pulse Laser CT14 2.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration E
BV : 1167 Cost : 23070752
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Arrow IV System RA/T7/81015.0
@Arrow IV System (10) LT20 2.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT14 2.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5